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Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Porltand Naked Bike Ride, Prelude


When I arrived as the only trusted media member to photograph the Portland Naked Bike Ride there was and AP photographer who did not have the trusted badge of pink to show that he had gone through proper channels to gain access to the PRIVATE area being used for people to prepare.
He had already set up a photo booth and was preparing to photograph a woman who had absolutely no idea what the point of the ride really was.

I was astounded that he was there all set up and ready to use his AP credentials to exploit the nudity of people who were there to have fun, make a point and had no idea what his photos could be used for and  how.  He refused to have his participants sign a waiver.  So, I could do nothing but protest.

I left the area until he was done photographing his model.  He was later seen with his professional camera and video equipment rolling through after security had sent him packing.  When I asked why he was there, he finally told me he was shooting for" HIMSELF,"  Apparently AP and himself are one in the same.  What do you know?

So, the next day....the only video that was in the media of the preparation time was one with a tiny glimpse of me in my bright orange dress outside the gates.  There was minimal news coverage of this private area.

I have video interviews and am ready to post them, as no one has taken their name off my waiver list.
This is the first in a series.  If you want to see more, add your e-mail to my blog RSS feed.
I only want people who care about the cause and are willing to reveal themselves to see these clips.

If you are visiting for the purpose of peeping, be real and admit that you have other places to do this.
Only those on my RSS feed will be getting the updates of the new videos being posted.
Enjoy the mood of the start of the ride!
More to come....encourage your friends to join the RSS feed.  I won't be posting more videos until I have at least 20 people ready to stand up for what they believe.
Social Media Photographer
The Official Media Photographer of the World Naked Bike Ride in Portland, Oregon.

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